ALLMATIC GRIPP – Mechanical Version TITAN 2 K-M-L

Five-sided machining plus pull-down

The five-sided machining jaw with pull-down can clamp workpieces up to a height of 90 mm onto the guideway of the TITAN 2. The insertable plates are pressed onto the guideway using the pull-down effect, thus establishing an accurate parallel workpiece position. This largely avoids any vibration of the workpiece during machining. Accessibility with short tools is a particular advantage of the five-sided machining jaw. You will find jaws for five-sided machining  on the following pages.

Clamping for five-sided machining:

  • Five-sided machining jaws are used to mount the wedge adapters and the insertable plates
  • Wedge adapters can be bolted in various positions on the grid plate
  • The various wedge elements can be quickly changed on the wedge adapters
  • Suitable for five-sided machining with short tools
  • Accuracy through pull-down
  • Stability through form-locking
  • Clamping in the neutral filament can be optimised using the three support heights of the insertable plates