ALLMATIC machine vice
since 1973
In the early 1970s, mechanical engineering was seeking reliable means of clamping which met the requirements of contemporary production processes. This included the cord machine manufacturer Saurer-Allma, the parent company of ALLMATIC. As Saurer-Allma did not find anything on the market, the company developed a suitable machine vice itself.That was in 1973 – the beginning of the ALLMATIC success story. The universal applications allow a large number of work steps, which increases production efficiency many times over.<strong>To the company history:</strong>
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individual producers, series producers and training centres for mechanical engineering
The proof of the pudding is in the eating
Individual and small series
In the case of small and pre-series, there are frequently no binding production parameters – this is where versatile clamping systems from ALLMATIC are required. They allow flexible, optimised production processes.
More infoTop class mass production
Serial production
Precise positioning of workpieces and simultaneously constant clamping forces over the whole machining period - ALLMATIC does this well due to its experience.We equally provide you with support in automating your existing or new production lines in accordance with Industry 4.0.
More infoAll beginnings are easy
Training centres
Young people understand ALLMATIC clamping systems quickly and intuitively because they are simply designed and logically structured. Trainees thus rapidly acquire important skills with regard to safe working practices and production processes.
More infoThe sky’s the limit, new dimension to our digital service
Configurate your individual tombstone – in 3 steps only!
The new configurator navigates you through the „product jungle“ in just three steps. You simply define your requirements and receive a qualified recommendation from a new, modular product range of 57 available variants in total.

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